PS3 and Wii Fit

Recently I bought a PS3, partly because there are a few games due out shortly that I’m rather looking forward to (mostly GTA and Civilization Revolutions) but mostly for the Blu-Ray DVD player and the Linux support. I’d been hoping to also use it as, for example, a MythTV front end. First impressions are that […]

Who’s in charge?

Apparently the use of the terms describing free software as organic or non-organic depending on the extent to which the piece of software concerned is controlled or driven by a single company wound a few people up, partly due to the strong value judgements that the terms tend to imply. The terms I found myself […]

Mobile internet access

Last weekend I was mostly relying on handheld devices while visiting the wilds of Stockport, trying to decide what Ii want to do when I move off Orange soon (terrible customer service and poor data plans). For this sort of use while travelling my main need is web access and mail reading with IM and […]